_The same conversation continues today but in regards to our current technology/machines; the architecture that responds to and exploits it.
_Also, to quote Mark Sheppard: If much of the late 20th century discourse surrounding public space and information networks emphasizes the production of a global, virtual, placeless space of flows, the ubiquity of mobile communications and wireless networks has revitalised an interest in place-based and locative information spaces. As we have noted, people are more frequently interacting with (and through) mobile devices and wireless networks as they move throughout the city. On sidewalks, in lobbies, across parks and public squares, on busses, subways and commuter trains, the mobile citizen constantly negotiates between contingent desires, virtual information networks and the infinitely variegated attractions of the terrain of the contemporary city.
_From a remarkably thorough study of the Detroit area, the existing population of Detroit is mapped by density and location. Locations of industry and other uses are also included. In his conclusions as to what is the best option for planning the UDA, Doxiadis opts for a multi-centred configuration with infrastructure joining them, as well as the GLM.What’s interesting is despite the clearly documented trend in the declining pop. of the downtowncore of Detroit, Doxiadis forecasts an intense population growth, so much so that the surrounding cores would flourish also.
What is worth noting here is Doxiadis's technique of addressing the metropolis as a dispersed combination of points along a particular line. To qoute him, "The core itself needs to move sideways and expand as the scale of the city increases. Such a city doesn't simply grow; it moves across the landscape. Growth becomes movement."

_If Globalization is international integration; a new zone where an enormous mix of people converge, its localized manifestation is the diversity of the city. In fact, it is becoming more and more difficult to fix ethnicity and culture to a particular place. If mobility has increased migration, then connectivity/communication has only intensified this trend by making it easier to be anywhere.
_ If the settings have become generic, how do we express our individuality and collective personality?
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